Mr. Tshwaro Mogadime Pr.Sci.Nat.
Position: Managing Director
Qualifications: BSc. (Hons) Eng. & Env. Geol., COM-SCO
Professional Menberships: MSAIEG, MGSSA, MSAIMM.
Mr. Mogadime got his undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in geology and applied geology from the University of Natal in 2000. He later graduated with an honours degree in engineering and environmental geology at the University of Pretoria in 2002.
After studying at these prestigious universituy, in 2002 still, he joined the world’s Patinum Mining Giant, Anglo Platinum mining company and served as a Rock Engineer. He gained his experience from three shafts as detailed in his CV. In 2004 he joined another African Giant, the Council for Geoscience, and was highly involved in consultancy with the Department for Water Affairs performing duties of an Engineering Geologist. Amongst other tasks he was responsible for the raising of Flag Boshielo Dam, centerline and construction material investigation for De Hoop Dam and other associates of Olifants Water Resource Development Scheme such as pumping and balancing wiers, balancing dams, reservoirs and pipelines. In addition to these he conducted a number of dam safety inspections countrywide and rehabilitation of Matlosana Dam. He later joined another parastatal, the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), head office as a Geotechnical Engineer in January 2006.
At NHBRC, he reviewed thousands of geotechnical, dolomite stability reports and structural designs nationwide. He was involved in forensic investigations and remedial works following structural distress. Following achievements at NHBRC, he joined another African Giant, Eskom SOC LTD, apointed as Senior Engineer for five years solely running and leading a Geotechnical Department. At Eskom, he was involved in all aspects from strategy, process controls, policy, scopes of work, bid adjudication, negotiation, peer reviews, supervision, quality control, mentoring, graduate training, etc. His involvement covered all Eskom’s running power stations, construction projects such as Kusile Majuba UCG. and Ingula, return to service stations such as Grootvlei and Komati, and lots of pipeline projects such as Sere, Aberdeen Windfarms, Upington Solar Energy, Next Coal (Coal 3) and research projects such as Ocean Pump Storage. He is enrolled for Masters in Project Management with the University of Pretoria on a part time basis. Part of his duties includes involvement in research projects, risk management, project management and technical software development.
Mr Mogadime is a founder and Director of Thoka Geosciences. He has led the development of this company for over five years. He is actively involved in day to day running and development of this company from strategy admin and technical aspects. Thoka Geosciences has conducted close to 100 different investigations in various parts of the country (South Africa).